Perth (AU) web agency websites and what you can learn from them – Part 3

Want to get some inspiration for your own portfolio website and learn from great agencies? Check out this 3-part series on great agency portfolios and websites.

In this 3-part article series (this is article #3) I want to highlight some smaller agencies focused on web and digital, based in Perth, Australia. Specifically I want to talk about their websites and what you can learn from them. You might be able to find some inspiration for your own portfolio or company website as well. Just one note: the sites highlighted here are not necessarily built with Webflow and have been chosen for other criteria than for the platform or technology used. Without further ado, let's get started with the third agency – Humaan ( – in this series...

Show your work – right away

Humaan (with two a's) is not necessarily the biggest agency in Perth, but one of the most well known ones in Western Australia with lots of great work and awards won. So as soon as you enter their site you will see their work front and centre via a "showreel". This gives visitors quite a good overview of the scope of work they've done and it's doing so quickly. What is great is that for websites and digital products like apps the showreel brings animations and interactions to life, giving the viewer more of an impression of the finished piece. The showreel plays automatically when the user first visits the site, so no additional click is required. Additionally if the visitor is so inclined he can simply scroll downwards and see the typical project overview with links to more detailed case studies as well.

An about page that is a little different

When you click on the agency's team page, you'll not simply find photos of the owners and team members with a name underneath. Instead they have spiced this up and added some personality by showing each of their team member as an mp4 video file which plays automatically and is constantly looped on the page. Why not try something different on your own about or team page next time you are refreshing your own site?

Setting expectations

On the same team page the agency has a two column list which outlines – tongue in cheek – what they do and don't do. While there are more lighthearted items such as "Loose at Mario Kart" (what we don't do), "Party" (what we do), or "Resist cake" (what we also don't do), there are also things like "Impossible deadlines" and "Outsource" (all in the "don't" list). Such a list doesn't only tell potential clients a bit about the agency itself, it also gives an insight into the company's culture as well. Something like this might be great to integrate, especially if as an agency or company you are looking at attracting staff.

Have a look at Humaan's website and check it out for yourself. If nothing else, you'll see great work there what will inspire! Know of another agency that puts out rad stuff? Let me know about it!

Still looking for a great alternative to PayPal for accepting client payments? Check out TransferWise – a tool I use for any non-Aussie clients. You can read more about it in a previous blog article or try out TransferWise here (yep, this is an affiliate link).

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