How to set up Google Tag Manager in Webflow

Not sure how to implement Google Tag Manager on your Webflow site? Don't worry, I outline each step in this article.

Google Tag Manager is a tool that helps you track your visitors on your website. The tool assists you in managing and deploying analytics and marketing tags as well as other code snippets. You can learn more about Google Tag Manager via Google’s own site. While there is a dedicated plugin for implementing Google Tag Manager into a Wordpress site, there is no such thing for Webflow, since Webflow does not support plugins. So how do you deploy Google Tag Manager on your Webflow site? That’s what I’m going to show you in this article! Let’s go...

Sign in or create Google Analytics account

Google Tag Manager requires a Google Analytics account to work. So, what you do need to do first is to either create a new account or sign into your existing one by going to

Set up Google Tag Manager

Now you are ready to go to and create a new account by filling in the required details as shown below.

Setting up a new Google Tag Manager Account

Once you have done this, you will see a tracking code which comes in two parts as shown in the screenshot here:

Both code snippets need to be copied into your Webflow project

Implement the tracking code in Webflow

  1. Copy the top code to the clipboard
  2. Open your Webflow project and navigate to your project settings
  3. Once in your project settings navigate to the Custom Code section
  4. Paste the code into the Head Code area and press save
  5. Now go back to your Google Tag Manager and copy the bottom code into the clipboard
  6. Navigate to the Webflow Designer and go to your homepage
  7. Insert a HTML embed element and paste the code you’ve just copied here
  8. Save and close the HTML embed element and move it just below the Body element in your document structure
  9. To make things easier for you later on, turn the HTML embed element into a symbol
  10. You can now easily add this symbol to each page you want to activate tracking on
  11. Publish your site
Place the HTML embed element below the body tag in your page hierarchy

That’s it, you’re done. You have now installed Google Tag Manager on your site. In case you need to change the code for some reason, you can always just do this once inside your symbol and the changes will be applied anywhere your symbol appears.

Need some help with your own Webflow site or do you have a client project needs to be built in Webflow? No worries, let’s chat about it.

Wait, before you go - if you're a freelance Designer or running your own little agency, you might be looking for a great tool to send proposals, invoices and more. I use Hello Bonsai for this and you can take a look at their website and give it a spin yourself (affiliate link). If you want to read more about it first, I have written a helpful article about it here: "How I use invoicing and proposal tool Hello Bonsai as a Webflow Designer".

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