Explained: Webflow’s new Account Plans (”Workspaces”)

Have you been wondering about Webflow's new account plan and pricing model? In this post I explain what's new and what it means for your business.

No matter if you are a startup or a solo Designer – you might be interested to know that Webflow has been revamping its account plans and pricing, and changing the way you and your team can work together within Webflow. In this blog post I want to shed some light on Webflow’s new so called “Workspaces”, which are made available to current and new Webflow users.

How things worked previously

Webflow used to have several different account plans (remember,  these are used for developing several Webflow projects in one account, while site plans are for hosting an actual Webflow project and connecting it to your domain). Those ranged from a (very limited), free Starter plan to a Lite plan, up to a Pro plan. These plans were meant for just one user – anybody who needed to work with several team members on projects, had to sign up for an additional team plan. This was indeed a costly and oftentimes annoying exercise as users often had to transfer a finished project from a personal plan into a team plan and obviously also pay for the additional team plan as well. Below you can see a screenshot of their plans and pricing as they were previously.

How things work now

While there were previously a Starter, Lite and Pro plan, Webflow now has a Starter, Core and Growth plan. The starter plan is still free, however the other two plans have actually gotten a more expensive. For instance, the Growth plan (formerly Pro plan) is now a minimum of US$49 instead of US$35 per month. This price only applies if you pay annually and increases if you pay monthly. You might ask “What do I get for the additional money?”. Great question! Most noticeable, Webflow now allows you to add team members to each account plan, removing the need for a separate team plan entirely. Taking the example of the Growth plan, users are now able to add up to 9 team members to their account. This means they will have to pay US$49 per team member they add. Understandably, if you are having several team members on your team, this can get quite expensive. You can check out their brand new pricing table here: https://webflow.com/pricing Additionally, the Growth plan allows for more granular control of site permissions. Further improvements as outlined by Webflow can be found here: https://webflow.com/blog/workspaces-teamwork-simplified

Reception in the Webflow community

The price hike hasn’t been well received with certain members of the Webflow community. Many claim that especially with the Pro plan (now Growth plan) which is frequently used by freelancers, the cost has risen even though additional team seats are not required and team permission controls are of no use to them. Also, the fact that pricing changes had not been communicated well enough has been a sore point for many users. It has been mentioned that some people might now downgrade to the lower priced plan which doesn’t supported an unlimited amount of unhosted projects. As a consequence the number of cloneable projects available in the Webflow showcase might decrease as people are not able to keep them in their lower-tier Webflow account (the Core plan only allows for 10 unhosted projects). Reacting to the complaints of mainly professional Designers, Webflow now offers the opportunity for anyone on an existing Pro plan to only pay the previous monthly price by filling out this form: https://university.webflow.com/growth-discount-for-pro-plan-account-owners?utm_source=facebook-group&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=pro-account-workspaces-discount&fbclid=IwAR02XPJekJ0C94sbHofRl0PjuDgZiOeXVX2m9uON9FwQfF6gJKQvBnvJp2c

Further details and resources

Want more information about Webflow’s new Workspaces and account plan arrangements? Have a look at some of these useful links here:

How transitioning from old to new account plans (Workspaces) works


Twitter Thread by Webflow’s Kyle Lambert on the company’s thoughts behind Workspaces


Webflow’s own info page on Workspaces and their features


Please keep in mind that not much changes if you only have a hosted website with no account plan - here pricing doesn't change. So, if you are only just starting out with Webflow, you can build a basic site with the free Starter plan and add a Site plan to host the website with Webflow and connect your own domain (e.g. mywebsite.com) to it.

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